In this episode of Big Talk About Tiny Humans, hosted by Devishobha Chandramouli and Dr Meghna, the conversation revolves around the impact of digital devices on family life. The hosts acknowledge that technology has revolutionized our lives, but at the same time, it has taken over our communication, relationships, and daily routines. They discuss how excessive screen time affects children’s brain development and warn about the harmful effects of
overusing gadgets on small kids and family relationships.

However, the hosts acknowledge that it is difficult to imagine our world without these devices. They share strategies on how to balance screen time and family time. The episode also presents their guidelines for regulating children’s screen time, known as the TIME strategy: T for Timebox, I for Isolate, M for Model, and E for Emphasize basics like sleep, nutrition, and exercise.

The hosts emphasize that balance looks different for every family and that applying the TIME strategies depends on the unique context of each family. 

To learn more, the episode recommends various resources, including a video on balancing screen time and family time by The Therapist Mommy, the book “Reset Your Children’s Brain”; by Dr. Victoria Dunckley, and the book “Screen Schooled”; by Joe Clement and Matt Miles.

Listeners can also learn about how technology was regulated in the households of some well-
known individuals such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Cuban. 

Check out the talk for best tips that will be very helpful for new parents!

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